Peter Verkooijen  Jun 10, 2008 • 8:35:02pm

Again, this was very obvious in the Netherlands, in the 1980s. The various communist and socialist parties transformed, merged and rebranded into one Green Party shortly before the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed. The green movement is literally the continuation of the socialist/communist movement.

MacGregor  Jun 10, 2008 • 8:36:28pm

re: #1 Peter Verkooijen

Again, this was very obvious in the Netherlands, in the 1980s. The various communist and socialist parties transformed, merged and rebranded into one Green Party shortly before the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed. The green movement is literally the continuation of the socialist/communist movement.

Heh- Watermelons

Peter Verkooijen  Jun 10, 2008 • 8:37:58pm

re: #2 MacGregor

Heh- Watermelons


MacGregor  Jun 10, 2008 • 8:44:19pm

Green on the outside - red on the inside!

Peter Verkooijen  Jun 10, 2008 • 8:52:23pm

The Dutch Green Party - Groen Links (Green Left) - used to have red and green peppers as logo. Their color scheme is still green and red as you can see here. So they’re not exactly hiding the fact they’re “reds”.

Vaclav Klaus is really stating the obvious. It’s shocking to me how clueless average Americans are on this subject, similarly how they don’t recognize Obama is an old-fashioned socialist.

Former Belgian  Jun 11, 2008 • 2:09:58pm

And guess what color one gets by mixing two parts red and one part green?

Answer: brown (as in brownshirt).

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